Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We're in the Right Place

Today I had to take the kids up to Frank's old school to drop off his library book and pick up his medicine from the office. As we were walking out, Frank's class was coming out of the building to go on a "fall foliage" walk. Frank ran right up to them to say hi and the kids were excited to see him. I thought that going back to the school would make me question our decision to pull him out of school. Instead, it solidified in me that we had made the right decision. No lingering regrets assailed me, only the knowledge that the decision felt right and that school isn't the best place for Frank.

Later that day we went to McDonalds with our playgroup and the moms were asking me how HSing was going. It's the first time I've been asked that so far, and yes, it has only been 1 1/2 weeks so far, but my answer was immediate. "Home schooling is going great! I love it. The kids are enjoying it. I find it to be much easier than taking Frank to school every day."

I think that these little confirmations are important because I was wavering a LOT as the time drew near to pull Frank out. I doubted our decision almost every other minute. But I don't doubt that anymore. I can already see Frank changing for the better, I can see him being challenged to learn. In just a week, I can already see his reading level significantly improve. He can read things today that he couldn't read a week ago. I know he would have eventually learned to read in school, but why make him wait until the teacher got around to teaching him when he so obviously is ready now. Why make him learn how to count to 10 with the rest of his class when he is capable of adding and subtracting 3 place numbers and can already do simple multiplication and division?

But most of all, I know that our decision was right because my kids remind me every morning after breakfast and every evening before bed that I need to pull out the Bible and our Bible study book because it is time to pray. Even little Allison begs for her turn to say her prayer. And the kids are memorizing scripture (and me along with them) and applying it to their daily lives. These are things they would never get in school that in the long run, will mean so much more than anything else they will learn in their lives. I am so thankful that God changed first my heart and than my DH's heart to embrace homeschooling for our family.

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