Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Losing Weight Hurts

Today is day 2 of the great "Biggest Loser-Family Style" competition. I have done really well today. DH had the day off so we took the kids to a museum and walked around for 1 1/2 hours, then I took Frank and ran errands for 2 hours, came home and went for a 1/2 hour walk with the family, then I spent 1 1/2 hours vacuuming up the leaves in my landscaping rocks (and let me just say that I am seriously considering sending some hate mail to the previous owners of our house who thought putting rocks in the landscaping was a good idea. NOT SO!!!!)

I have carefully watched my diet and have limited my Halloween candy consumption to only 2 mini candy bars (a minor victory). This morning I weighed in 1 pound lighter than yesterday, so I was happy the scale is going in the other direction than normal.

There's just one teeny tiny little problem. MY BODY HURTS LIKE MAD!!! I had to resort to pain killers just so I could get off the couch. Ouch! Ya, I know I was out of shape to begin with, but having every single muscle in my body screaming at me is just plain mean:( I am glad that my body is hurting because it means I'm actually getting a workout, but it sure would be nice if we all came equipped with a "instant muscle" button that we could push whenever we felt like being buff rather than having to go through the work and pain of actually getting in shape.

Despite the pain and hard work of losing weight, I am not giving up this time. I am going to kick some family butt and win this competition and be the Biggest Loser.

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