Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Losing Weight--Biggest Loser Family Style

Over the weekend I took the kids to my Grandma's house while my DH was out of town for work. During the course of the weekend we both lamented that we wanted to lose weight. We have a specific event in mind that we want to lose weight for, but I won't expand on that until it is official. Anyway, I jokingly said that we should do a Biggest Loser type competition with our family since we all want to lose weight never dreaming everyone would jump on it with excitement. So today is the official start day of our "Biggest Loser-Family Style" competition.

I hit the pavement running today. Frank rode his bike for moral support and I jogged. Or plodded. Possibly just walked really fast. But I did it. Only one loop around the neighborhood but I jogged the whole time despite feeling every muscle in my body screaming at me to stop. By the end of it, I felt like I was going to die, but I did it and didn't give up. Tomorrow I will maybe run just a tiny bit further and do that every day until I'm running a respectable distance. Like an entire mile:) And I also discovered that the asthma I thought I'd outgrown is still with me. I just haven't worked out in so long that I didn't notice I had it. But I am now coughing a ton and probably need to pull out Frank's inhaler to get my lungs back in order. Rather shocking to know I am that out of shape, which just proves this is a needed step in my life.
I also went shopping and put back almost everything that was unhealthy and stocked up on extra fruits and veggies along with soy and sun nuts for snacking. And my token box of tofu which I always buy when I am starting a diet for some reason:) But I'm going to stirfry it up tonight so it won't just sit there for months until it's spoiled like I normally do.
So far half my family (6 people) are in on the diet competition. I'm expecting almost everyone to join in. After Frank was born and I lost all the weight, the thing that really got me to be serious about it was that my coworkers at the time did a Biggest Loser competition with cash prize and we were all competing against eachother (with support to eachother as well) and having that extra motivation really works for me. I think maybe I am just competitive:)

I am hopeful that this time it's going to work and that I am going to see success in my weightloss journey.

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