Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

I realized that it's been a really long time since my last post. A lot has happened since November. Natalie finished up her first year of school the week before Easter so I decided to celebrate by having spring break! We went to the zoo, the science museum, the park, and out for ice cream. Yesterday Frank finished up his first year of math which we celebrated with oreos, rootbeer, and the rest of the week off from math. Frank was so excited about being done that he told the check out woman at the grocery store all about it. He was also excited that we finally finished up the rootbeer because he has been anxiously awaiting the time when we would have 2 empty bottles so he could try his tornado maker out. Allison is in the middle of a crash course in potty training. I'm not sure that she's "gotten it" yet, but she does like to go in the potty. Unfortunately she still also likes to go in her pants. Here she is also trying to train her dolly how to use the potty. I think dolly is doing better than Alli:) Frank and Natalie started soccer this week. This is Frank's third round of soccer, Natalie's first. Tuesday morning Natalie woke up saying that she didn't want to play soccer, that she wasn't going to practice, and on and on. She came home from practice saying that they didn't have snack that day, but that "Coach says we'll have snack for the games." Along with several other things "Coach" said. And today she woke up super excited about going to soccer. We may just have another soccer lover in the family. The true test will be on the first game day--will Natalie spend the whole time picking dandelions like Frank did his first season, or will she actually try to kick the ball???

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